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. . A Sourcebook for Storytelling
by Nancy Schimmel
(Third Edition) 1992
$14.75 ISBN 0-932164-03-X

“For parents, teachers, librarians, goup leaders, and people who just like to tell stories, this is a first rate introduction to the art, based on Schimmel's years of professional storytelling and teaching...Just Enough To Make A Story contains an amazing amount of useful material...”
-Betty Bacon

“One of the finest contemporary introductions to storytelling around.”
-The Yarnspinner

Substantial revisions make this thoughtful storytelling sourcebook even more valuable the second time around. In addition to the expanded resource lists (such as active heroines in folktales), Schimmel includes a brief survey of studies on the effects of storytelling, a story arranged for two voices with a description of 'tandem telling', and sources for stories to tell adult and junior high audiences.”
(American Library Association)

The third edition of Just Enough to Make a Story, in print since 1978, has been rewritten and updated bibliographically throughout, with the addition of a new section, “Ecology Stories and Songs.” The suggestions in “Active Heroines,” “Stories in Service of Peace,” and “Sources for Stories to Tell to Adults” are still singularly valuable, and the tone of the book--a down-home approach that will get storytellers started with experienced but undaunting advice--makes this one of the best available resource books on the subject.
--Betsy Hearne,
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

“...a wonderful, down to earth, practical guide.”

Book Table of Contents

How to order

If you want to teach storytelling to kids, this book can help: Stories in My Pocket: Tales Kids Can Tell by Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss, Illustrated by Annie Campbell.

Storytelling How-to Articles on the Net:

Source Etiquette
Story Bag Newsletter
Articles by Doug Lipman. Especially recommended: Making Fairy Tales from Personal Stories
